I shot this photo at an outdoor wedding reception last weekend with the D3. It was around 11 at night so it was virtually in the dark. 85mm, f/4.5 at 1/20 with a slow 24-85mm 4.5 at ISO 6400! You can see some noise but i think it would make an acceptable 8x10 print. This is amazing performance - it's like getting another 4 stops of light to work with.
The ISO performance is really amazing. The blacks are not fogged like you'd get with film and white dress detail is just about perfect. Did you do any tweaking, like contrast or black levels?
I increased brightness by a bit but otherwise just used lightroom defaults.
Well I don't no nothin about no ISO or light stops but this is another beautiful photo Ray. I don't even know them but those girls are so lovely and full of joy, and I predict they would definitely "accept" an 8x10 print!
It amazes me how you can point a camera and capture an essential blink of a such a jocund mood. Were you photographing professionally or just as a guest?
Gary - Thanks for the kind words. There were 3 hired photographers capturing the event and I was an invited guest. This scene just unfolded in front of me when the bride and bridesmaids felt they could relax (not needing flash helps in this respect too).
Now you're just showing off!
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