We took in Circus Flora for Father's Day. The set, lighting and costume design were a treat. Photography is not allowed during the show, so I snapped this just before it started. Nikon D700, ISO 3200, WB auto, Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-f4, 24mm @ f/3.3 @ 1/45s. RAW file processed in Lightroom 2. Pixel peeping shows the blacks are noise free. The auto WB did an amazing job with mixed tungsten and xenon. I pulled the tint down -11 to make the blue pop and used the adjustment brush to darken figures in the forground, but this is otherwise straight out of the camera.
This is really beautiful. the exposure is perfect and color rendition is excellent. Bravo!
Thanks, Ray! The D700 does such a great job in tough lighting, I've completely lost my lament over switching from film. Imagine Ektachrome T160 pushed 4.5 stops - pix would look like a Seurat painting under a microscope. Hmmmmmm, that doesn't sound half bad...
Sunday at the microscope with George: "Look! Dots!"
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